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Kelsey Orth


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COVID-19 Provincial Update: Ontario Extends Emergency Orders until May 29

The Ontario government has announced that it will be extending all emergency orders that have been put in place to-date under section 7.0.2(4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act until May 29, 2020. A full list of those orders can be found here. An exemption to the order limiting public gatherings has been approved to allow drive-in religious gatherings, under certain conditions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Premier Ford has also confirmed that the remainder of the school year will be cancelled, although virtual classrooms will continue and voluntary summer school will be available to students, with the aim to provide support for those who need it and to facilitate the natural progression for all students. In response to questions, it was also clear that additional measures will likely result in school “looking different” upon return in September.

Further announcements related to child care are expected in the coming days, with the Minister of Education stating that they will “advise operators” in advance to allow them to prepare, as there will be strict protocols and procedures implemented to ensure the safety of both children and staff. Currently, all child care centres remain closed, with the exception of those designated for use by essential workers.

It was also announced that overnight summer camps will not be permitted to run, but that there will likely be at least some ability for summer day camps to open up in July and August, providing the key public health indicators support doing so responsibly.

Despite these continued restrictions, as of today the Province had officially entered Stage One of its three-part reopening strategy, allowing for the gradual easing of restrictions on business. Read our full blog on what business can reopen during Stage One here.

The lawyers at CCPartners are available to assist you in planning for the return of your workforce to ensure that you are prepared to operate safely. Click HERE for a link to CCP’s COVID-19 Blog series, catch our webinars and podcasts on YouTube and SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts, or contact any of our team members to answer you workplace questions.


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