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Sep 28, 2020

COVID-19 ALERT: New Mandatory Screening Procedures for Ontario Employers

On Friday, September 25, 2020, the Government of Ontario amended O. Reg 364/20, effective Saturday, September 26, 2020. This Regulation sets out th...

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Sep 24, 2020

By Mike MacLellan

Look Into It: New Rules for Workplace Investigations Under the Canada Labour Code

Back in July CCPartners published an article on our Employers’ Edge blog about the passage of Bill C-65.  That Bill introduced new Regul...

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Sep 20, 2020


Normal business administration can easily get lost in the hustle and bustle of a pandemic, but employers need to be aware that legislated increases...

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Sep 16, 2020

By Susan Crawford

Arbitrator Finds Employer’s Blanket Policy Requiring all Employees who Cross US Border to Self-Isolate Unreasonable

In a recent Ontario arbitration decision, Arbitrator Jesin considered the reasonableness of Algoma Steel’s policy to require all employees wh...

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Sep 10, 2020

By Kelsey Orth

Grievor Puts the “X” in “Ex-Employee”: Termination from Job at CRA Upheld by Federal Arbitration Panel

As many employers know, just cause is a difficult standard to meet, regardless of the jurisdiction under which you fall, or the forum in which the ...

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Sep 4, 2020

BREAKING: Ontario Extends Freeze on ESA Termination and Temporary Layoff Provisions

On May 29, 2020, the Ontario government published O. Reg. 228/20: Infectious Disease Emergency Leave under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the ...

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Sep 3, 2020

Masking the Problem: Perspectives on Employee Refusal to Wear a Mask at Work

Employers have a legal obligation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the common law to create and maintain a safe work environment. T...

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Aug 27, 2020

By Mike MacLellan

Don’t Get Schooled: Know How to Address Requests for Leaves and Accommodation in this COVID-19 School Year

CCPartners has published a number of blogs recently regarding workplace law challenges created by COVID-19 and the public health measures taken to ...

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Aug 21, 2020

By Kelsey Orth

Federal Government Extends CERB and Changes EI

On August 20, federal officials announced that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will be extended another four weeks into late September...

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Aug 20, 2020

Ontario Extends Orders Issued Under Declared Emergency

Earlier today the government of Ontario announced that most of the active emergency orders issued under the Emergency Management and Civil Protecti...

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Aug 20, 2020

By Susan Crawford

Recent Court of Appeal Decision Weighs In on Reasonable Notice Periods following an Asset Sale

In Manthadi v. ASCO Manufacturing the Ontario Court of Appeal overturned the lower court’s summary judgment decision finding that the motions...

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Aug 14, 2020

Enforceable but “Harsh” Termination Provision Defeated by Lack of Notice

The Employers' Edge blog has written extensively about the challenges of drafting an enforceable termination provision. This week brings us a parti...

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Aug 12, 2020

By Susan Crawford

BC Employers Must Submit an Application to Extend Temporary Layoffs

Temporary layoffs have been a key tool to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as they allow employers who cannot currently maintain their...

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Aug 5, 2020

Concerning New Decision for Ontario Construction Employers

CCP has blogged on numerous cases in the last few years where judges have struck down termination clauses in employment agreements for failing to m...

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Jul 30, 2020

COVID-19 Update: The End of Ontario’s Declared Emergency and Important Implications for Employers

On July 24, 2020, Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 came into force, and the declared emergency in Ontario ca...

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Jul 23, 2020

By Kelsey Orth

Don’t Go Broke with the Wrong Fix: Navigating the World of Fixed-Term Employment Agreements

The employment agreement forms the backbone of any employment relationship; from casual to full-time, seasonal to shift-work, setting out the terms...

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Jul 21, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATE: CRA Provides New Details on CEWS Expansion

Since our last update on April 21, 2020, a number of significant changes have been announced to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (“CEWS&rdqu...

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Jul 15, 2020

New Federal Workplace Harassment Prevention Regulations Published

On June 24, 2020 the Federal Government published the final version of the Bill C-65 Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations under...

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Jul 13, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Ontario Set to Enter Stage Three and Feds Confirm CEWS to Extend Until December

There have been a number of notable developments in recent days as the Country continues to gradually reopen. The Ontario government has announced...

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Jul 9, 2020

By Mike MacLellan

Proposed Bill Presuming WSIB Coverage for COVID-19 Claims Quietly Passed First Reading

The Ontario government is somewhat quietly considering just the latest in a long line of legislative amendments aimed at addressing the consequence...

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